Christmas Cookie Exchange, Thursday, November 21st from 6:00pm – 9:00pm


Buffalo Cake Pops Bakery
27 Chandler Street, Suite 214A

Buffalo, NY, 14207


Seats Available: 10

We are so excited about this brand new class this holiday season!
The premise will be similar to our Cuccidati class- you’ll come into the class ready to bake and prep your dessert. When you sign up for class, you will pick a new or favorite cookie recipe that you have. You need to be willing to email this recipe to the bakery 1 week ahead of class- this will give us time to be sure your ingredients needed are present in the room at the time you arrive. Everyone will make their own recipe in the class, sharing tips, ideas and memories associated with the recipe! No need to bring anything from home, we’ll supply all ingredients and supplies to make your product. At the end of the class, we will then swap our cookie yields, so everyone will go home with a sample of all the cookies baked in class, as well as a recipe book for all the cookies made that evening. Your recipe must be able to be completed in 3 hours or less, but if you have a recipe you really love, my team and I can work with you to prep anything in advance that you might need to accomplish the recipe in this time frame.

Please email us at [email protected] with any additional questions, comments, etc, before signing up!

Minimum age for this particular class is 16 years old. Every person in the room must register to participate. Class registration will be capped at 10 people.

Upon signing up for this class, you agree to all rules and terms in the description about our classes on the website at Classes may be canceled on account of low attendance or on account of changing CDC/NY State guidelines for Covid 19 gatherings. We need 4 people signed up for a weekend class to run, and 6 people signed up on a week night to hold a class, but this number may change at the discretion of our business at any time. As of 12/9/22, there are no refunds for classes. If you are no longer able to attend a class you have signed up for, you may transfer your registration to someone else, you may notify us that you can no longer attend and we can try to fill your spot for you (if, and only if, someone signs up in your place, we can refund you), or you may use your class credit to purchase desserts from our bakery within 3 months of your class date.